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Service in the Workplace

Service in the Workplace

Founded in 1988, Penmac is celebrating its 35th year in business by examining the seven core values that have defined our time-tested motto, “We place people first.” Earlier this year, we explored the importance of flexibility and character, and this month we are focused on service. At Penmac, service is about treating others the way you’d like to be treated.

Service, at its most basic level is the action of helping someone. Our team at Penmac serves job seekers by helping them find a job that is a good match. We serve companies by finding employees and providing HR solutions. We serve our communities by promoting economic growth and supporting local businesses and citizens.

An Example of Service

Earlier this month, Penmac’s Corporate Benefits Manager shared how an employee in her department went above and beyond in providing great service to an associate. She wrote, “An associate reached out to the Benefits Department regarding an issue with their vision coverage. The associate had an appointment scheduled for later the same day and was being told that his coverage was inactive. Instead of having the associate call MetLife directly, our Penmac Benefits Coordinator took the initiative. After multiple calls and emails with both Hooray Health and MetLife, she got the employee’s coverage reactivated and emailed the vision card to the associate before his appointment. She kept the associate informed of her progress in getting this resolved via text. The exchange ended with the associate texting, ‘Thank you for doing all that you have to get this resolved.’”

Penmac’s business was built with this level of service in mind. In its early years, our founder went beyond simply finding work for job seekers. When we learned people were struggling with transportation to the job site, Penmac offered rides to work. When we discovered applicants were having trouble finding employment without education, we started hosting GED classes. At Penmac, service is key to what we do.

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