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We Place People First

We Place People First

“We Place People First” has been Penmac Staffing’s tagline for nearly 20 years. But it’s much more than a motto—it’s our way of life.

We put the emphasis on people in “We Place People First” because treating individuals with respect and kindness is our highest priority. We are proud to be a premier provider of staffing and human resource solutions, and we strive to offer innovative ideas and industry-leading technology. But professional expertise alone will not lead to lasting growth and success. We must have a strong foundation built on the golden rule of service—we treat others as we want to be treated.

We have defined seven core values that help us treat others well, and help our associates and clients succeed. As we celebrate our 35th anniversary this year, we will highlight one of these values each month for the next seven months:

We will be known by our integrity and fairness.

We will adapt easily and quickly.

We will treat others as we want to be treated.

We will earn trust by being consistent.

We will create circumstances for others to succeed.

We will not give up when faced with challenges.

We will energetically exceed expectations.

We look forward to sharing stories of how our employee-owners, associates, and clients exemplify these seven values. If you have a story you’d like to share about how one of these core values has impacted your Penmac experience, please email [email protected].

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1 (877) 473-6622

Member of American Staffing Association
Certified 100% Employee-Owned

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