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Need More Green?

Need More Green?

With St. Patrick’s today and tax season in full-swing, a lot of people have green on the mind! Maybe you have just received a tax return, some extra cash from a bonus, or have started saving more since the holidays are behind us. Or, maybe you are struggling to get all the bills paid, and just trying to make it from paycheck to paycheck. Either way, it’s worth taking some time to think about money management to make sure you’re doing everything possible to have solid finances. 


While it seems overwhelming to create a budget, it’s the natural first step to help you manage your money. Regardless of how much you earn, or how reliable your income is, having a financial plan really can help you get your money’s worth out of your paycheck each week. The basics of creating a budget are pretty straightforward. First, determine your essential expenses. These are things that you can’t live without, such as groceries, housing costs, and utility bills. Once you’ve added these things up, you know the minimum amount of money you’ll need to cover expenses.


The obvious topic when talking about money is work. If you’re regularly bringing home a paycheck, but you feel like you’re spending money as quickly as it’s coming in, consider different things you could do to save—making a budget helps here, too, but so do things like setting goals and making a plan. Maybe you feel like you should be making more money—asking for a raise can be hard, but necessary sometimes. Before you ask your employer for money, consider how you can make yourself a more valuable employee, through loyalty and hard work, or through more training and education. 

Adjust your perspective. 

If you always find yourself jealous of what someone else is making, upset that you don’t have more money, you might try to change the way you are looking at things. At Penmac, we believe we make our own luck, through hard work and dedication. Evaluate your spending to make sure you are truly prioritizing your expenses. Ask yourself if there are any bad habits that are costing you money? Are you budgeting effectively?  

If you are looking for an opportunity for a new job, or would like more workplace tips, stop by your local Penmac office today, and a staffing specialist would be happy to help! 

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