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Are Happy Employees More Productive?

Are Happy Employees More Productive?

Motivating your staff, and looking for ways to increase their happiness can actually make your business more successful by making employees more productive. Studies show that happiness can boost employee productivity by more than 10%! A critical part of an employer’s position is to ensure that workers are motivated to perform well. A premier supplier of staffing and human resource services, Penmac has developed an expertise on encouraging the best from employees. 

Hire an employee that’s a good fit. 

While there are several ways businesses can inspire their staff once employed, consider the motivation factor before making your hiring decisions. Penmac staffing specialists welcome business input when looking for an employee who is a good fit for your company. Communicate not just the desired skill set, but also the attitude and demeanor you are seeking. Certain businesses may require employees to be calm and detail-oriented. Others may prefer energized workers who can see the large picture. By sharing your specific company culture with your staffing specialist, Penmac can find the right workers for your needs. 

Show appreciation. 

Once you have recruited your workforce, you can continue to motivate employees in several ways, including showing your appreciation of their hard labor. Small compliments and words of appreciation go a long way in making staff feel important and valued. Give frequent and specific praise, and your business will benefit. 

Invest your employees in the company. 

In addition, employees will work harder when they are invested in your business. Help your staff see the large picture of what your business does. Workers are more likely to strive to meet company goals if they know what the goals are. Also, many workers will endeavor to work harder if there is potential for them to grow with the company. Temporary employees often appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and work ethic in hopes of obtaining a long-term position. Similarly, jobs that teach new skills make employees more marketable for future projects they participate in; this is good for both the individual and the company. 

Provide the tools for success. 

Knowledge, coupled with a good working environment and sufficient equipment for the job, are other aspects that help motivate employees. A good working environment is made up of several elements. The environment must be conductive to the job. For instance, a factory that uses an assembly line must be set up in a particular order, and must remained organized. If a workspace isn’t set up logically, employees can become confused and frustrated. Relatedly, workers must have appropriate tools that function properly to be successful. 

Penmac Staffing knows the most valuable employees are ones who not only excel at particular skills, but ones who are inspired to work hard for overall company success. Work with our staffing specialists to ensure that your business is matched well with its employees. Continue to motivate them through praise, investment in business, and the tools necessary for success. 

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