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10 Workplace Resolutions

10 Workplace Resolutions

As you gear up for 2024, consider some resolutions you could make in the workplace to make sure you’re doing an outstanding job. 

  1. First, commit to being on time. Do you have trouble making it out of the door in the morning? Try making it a goal to arrive punctually every day!  
  1. Show up! It may seem obvious, but finding ways to improve attendance can go a long way at work. Employers can also try these tips for reducing employee absenteeism.  
  1. Be positive. Sometimes the winter months can leave us feeling blue. For instance, when Sunday night rolls around, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but it’s still possible to maintain a positive attitude
  1. Work together. Another thing to try is to make an effort to improve teamwork with your coworkers this year! In addition, collaboration can boost morale and productivity! 
  1. Practice gratitude. In 2024, be intentional about being grateful. Most importantly, notice the things about your job that you love and try to show your appreciation. 
  1. Reduce stress. While having some stress is an inevitable part of any job, you can learn ways to healthily manage your stress by saying no when you feel overwhelmed and recognizing signs of stress. 
  1. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Don’t be so afraid of failure that you don’t accept challenges and try new things. Making mistakes is how you learn and grow.  
  1. Increase productivity. Being more productive at work doesn’t necessarily mean working longer hours or taking on more projects. For instance, improving your attitude, or even taking advantage of a lunch break can make you more efficient. 
  1. Build relationships. Most employees spend a significant amount of time with their coworkers. This year, focus on strengthening those relationships.
  1. Lastly, love your job! A lot of us take work for granted, but this year, take a moment to think about how you feel about your job.

All Penmac offices will be closed on Monday, January 1st 

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