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Could On-the-Job Training Work for Your Business?

Could On-the-Job Training Work for Your Business?

Do you have an employee who is reliable and dedicated, but somehow can’t seem to get things just right? Or, maybe you’re ready to hire but can’t find the staff with just the right skills. If this sounds familiar, you might consider trying on-the-job training at your company. What better way to make sure your employees have exactly the right training, than to train them your self?

Does my company need on-the-job training? 

Are you having trouble recruiting? Is employee turnover high? Do you have a new process you’re trying to implement? Is production slower than you want? Do you have a large group of new hires? If you answered yes to any of these questions, think about trying on-the-job training. It’s beneficial during the hiring process, when you’re trying to find quality job seekers. This allows you to interview and hire candidates based not just on a particular focused skill set, but on those valuable soft skills (reliability, hard work, etc.) that aren’t always teachable. This also reduces employee turnover. Training can help if you have a new technology or more efficient practice you’d like everyone to learn. If operations have slowed down, training can remind and teach workers the processes they need to be efficient. 

How do I implement training? 

If you decide that on-the-job training could benefit your business, you have to decide how it will work best for you. First, figure out what you need to train—what information do employees need to improve at their jobs? Consider what they already know, and what new things they need to learn. Then, decide how your training will work—what ways do employees learn best? Some people like to learn as they’re working, others might prefer a class, and others still might like to be paired with a mentor. Talk with your employees to find out what would work well for them. Finally, figure out when you’ll do your training. Will it be ongoing throughout the year? Will it be on a reoccurring schedule—once every four months? Or, maybe you just need a one-time training for your staff. 

How will I know if it worked? 

Before you consider your on-the-job training finished, don’t forget to assess how well it worked or didn’t work. Many employers often skip this step in the process, but it’s essential in determining if training was successful. Request feedback from employees. Did they feel like they learned from the training? If possible, test employees to see if they retained the new skills that were taught. Document your processes—what resources did you use? How long did it take? What would you do differently in the future? Measure production after training—has it improved? Is your operation more efficient?  

Employers who invest in their staff with valuable training have less trouble filling positions, happier employees, and a productive workplace. If you’re busy planning your next on-the-job training session, and need an extra hand with those time-consuming HR tasks, call Penmac. We can help with recruitment, screening, hiring, payroll, worker’s compensation, and more! 

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