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How to Make Goals

How to Make Goals

As the new year begins, we begin to think of goals and resolutions for the months ahead. Setting goals can be daunting, but following certain guidelines can help make them more attainable. First, consider an area of your life where you might want to make improvements, such as in your career, diet, or other habits. Your resolution should be specific and meaningful to you. 


Once you have chosen a focus, create a specific purpose within that area. Make sure it is measurable and based on action. For instance, instead of aspiring to find a new job, create a more concrete objective, such as aiming to apply for three new jobs each week. This makes your resolution tangible and gives you a plan. In most cases, you could create smaller goals that fit into your broad objective. To apply for work, for instance, you could look online for jobs postings, complete applications regularly, and update your resume. Write down your goals, and refer to them often. Decide when you want to achieve them and set a realistic deadline for yourself. 


As you begin working toward your goals, continually measure your progress. Is your plan on track? Are you having trouble with some of your resolutions? Try to eliminate any distractions that might get in the way. Enlist friends or relatives to help you stay motivated. Prioritize your goal. Reward any small accomplishments. Reassess as you go; it’s okay to alter your plans if they aren’t working well for you.  


When you’ve finally reached your goal, be sure to celebrate. Resolutions take a lot of hard work and dedication. Now that you know it’s possible, consider making another goal. You’ve finally found a new job; now build on your success and strive for another specific milestone like completing a large work project.  

If getting a new job is your New Year’s resolution, Penmac Staffing can help. Stop by a local office and let a staffing specialist help you find employment success. Best wishes for a bright and happy new year! 

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