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Reliability in the Workplace

Reliability in the Workplace

Flexibility, character, service, reliability…These are just a few of the values that contribute to Penmac’s decades-old motto, “We place people first.” To mark our 35th year in business, we are exploring a value each month. June’s focus is reliability. Reliability, to us, is about earning the trust of our job seekers, business partners, and colleagues through our consistent performance.

Job Seekers Can Depend on Penmac

Job seekers should be able to depend on Penmac to provide them with helpful, kind, and honest support. At Penmac, it’s our goal to match the right person with the right job. We base that on the person’s skills, schedule, and interests. What works for one person might not work for someone else. Penmac hopes to have a reputation of being a resource for individuals who need to find work that fits their needs.

Reliability with Employers

Similarly, we want businesses to depend on us to find them the employees they need when they need them. That could be seasonal workers to keep up production during peak production times, or long-term employees that can become part of the team. When it comes to your company’s operations, reliability is vital.

An Example of Reliability

To become truly reliable for both job seekers and businesses, the Penmac team must be able to rely on each other. That means following through with what you say, doing your share of the work, and showing up for the job.

Recently, a Penmac Area Manager shared an example the reliability of one of her Onsite Managers. “She wrote the book on reliability. It does not matter if it’s night or day, a vacation day, or a holiday, she makes sure her job is done. I never have to worry about her taking care of her duties. Sometimes, she’ll get a call at night to come in, and she never complains. This manager goes in and does what is asked, still showing up at work before 6am for her day. She also takes her computer home over the holidays when the plant is closed so she can do payroll on Mondays. She is reliable not only to Penmac but to her employees!”

Reliability is such an important quality in the workplace. When you know you can trust that consistent performance, you can rest easy!

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